
This is the place where im watching tv,tidur,mkn ngn playing around. Ni dekat Tmn Putri Jaya,Cheras. It seems tht u already knows were did i lived xD haha. Except the address :p Okee, mau promote skit ttg this house ; Got 3 floors,7 rooms,4 latrine (toilet),3 available tv,2 unavailable tv,got kitchen,pet doesnt allowed xD and 2 cars. Urmm..krusi ngn meja prlu ckp ke? Urmm, x yah kowt xD Can u see the balcony over top there?? Hah! thts my room,ad bed, guitar, drum smple ngn byk lagi la! haha xD Altought x slalu lpk2 dkt balcony, tp overall im still love it the most,haha anywy,dnt worry, there is no spooky2 things had happened there! caye la! haha xD Hmm, the car over there is Ipsum,wpt5257 (itu pun mau ckp) Best best, not too big,not too small..just a suitable car for 6 people's xD Urm, KL? pnh pegy,of course! xD Singapore? x naek pkai this car. Langkawi? today baruu nk pegy haha ;) Hmm..activities during saturdays and sundays adalah.. ding! ,badminton! xD cycling! football! (harris,haqeem geng bolasepak ku) haha :D having arounds at field behind the house! slalu cycling kt situ smbil tgok kwn maen bolasepak. syhhh..(they didnt know)haha ;D Fav; cycling and badminton xD The right neighbour over there x friendly sgt xD haha slalu trfikir.. "Does his mum teaching him to clean the house?? haha xD But 8 over 10 were my chinese neighbour and of course got many dogs! haha thnk god skrg suda get used to it. Klau tak, tiap2 hari kene kejarr asuk! (dog in srwk) haha xD Fewwhh, glad im here already. Im done typing. Thnks 4 readings! Klau nk dtg umh, dtang la! haha, x ad duit raye okeyy :DD


  1. sy pun ade rumah tp kat sri serdang je.umah sy setingkat,ade 3 bilik,1 toilet,kerusi meja adelah jugak,mane ade ruma zaman sekarang takde kerusi kan,even bgku buruk untuk buat dduk mase basuh baju pun ade.HAHA.1 dapur,but pets are allowed.sbb pets pun hamba allah.kan?diorg mmrlukan tmpat perlindungan.my father's car waja je.tp dah smpai perlis n jb.and evry weekends i play futsal and hoki wif my sis n friends..cycling2 nii..xlayan la babe,mcm indon je..BANGGAnyee saya.;)

  2. haha
    thnks moon ;)
    mmg la ad krusi! xD

  3. haha
    tu ker rumah nurin??
    waaa mcm istana wane hijau lak tuhh..
    kat dlm bilik ade gitar n drum waa
    slalu ker nyayi kat bilik dgn ur siblings..
    jadi la BAND IN THE HOUSE..zzz
    nak jd band gak haha

  4. haha.
    band in the house? xD
    thnks anonymous yg x ku kenal :DD
